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[논문 이해] Image Based Virtual Try-on Network from Unpaired Data 설명 - 1 openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2020/papers/Neuberger_Image_Based_Virtual_Try-On_Network_From_Unpaired_Data_CVPR_2020_paper.pdf 특징 - The training phase requires only single images, eliminating the need for manually creating image pairs, where one image shows a person wearing a particular garment and the other shows the same catalog garment alone. - Secondly, it can synthesize images of multip..
trajactory GRU 코드 trajGRU 코드 논문 원제 : Deep Learning for Precipitation Nowcasting: A Benchmark and A New Model ConvLSTM-based models is location-invariant while natural motion and transformation (e.g., rotation) are location-variant in general. Specifically, we go beyond ConvLSTM and propose the Trajectory GRU (TrajGRU) model that can actively learn the location-variant structure for recurrent connections. https://..
RainNet v1.0 설명 (Spatiotemporal prediction) Network architecture encoder–decoder architecture 20 conv 4 max pooling 4 upsampling 2 dropout 4 skip connections. 이미지 한 변의 길이가 1km라고 생각하면 됨. 픽셀의 각 값은 강수량을 로그 변환한 값임 Each grid contains 928 cells×928 cells with an edge length of 1 km; for each cell, the input value is the logarithmic precipitation depth as retrieved from the radar-based precipitation product. RainNet은 CNN 구조로만 이루어짐. 왜냐? RNN 구조보다 ..
stylegan2 & stylegan2-ada 코드 (loss & network) stylegan2 Loss # Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC. # To view a copy of this license, visit # https://nvlabs.github.io/stylegan2/license.html """Loss functions.""" import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import dnnlib.tflib as tflib from dnnlib.tflib.autosummary import autosummary #-------------..
[StyleGan2-ada 실습] AFHQ 데이터 셋 이용해서 stylegan2-ada 학습하기 2 Stylegan2-ada 뭐가 달라진 걸까? We propose an adaptive discriminator augmentation mechanism that significantly stabilizes training in limited data regimes. ada(adaptive discriminator augmentation) 라는 증강 기법이 추가됨. 이 메커니즘만으로 학습을 상당히 안정화 시킴 The approach does not require changes to loss functions or network architectures, and is applicable both when training from scratch and when fine-tuning an existing GAN..
[용어] out-of-the-box가 무슨 말이지... An out-of-the-box feature or functionality (also called OOTB or off the shelf), particularly in software, is a feature or functionality of a product that works immediately after or even without any special installation without any configuration or modification.[1][2] It also means that it is available for all users by default, and are not required to pay additionally to use those features, or ne..
[StarGan v2] AFHQ 데이터 셋 및 pretrained network 성능 Srargan v2 성능 비디오도 만들어주나 PC 메모리 한계로 실패 Stargan v2 성능
[StyleGan2-ada 실습] AFHQ 데이터 셋 이용해서 stylegan2-ada 학습하기 1 데이터 셋 준비 AFHQ는 동물 데이터이다. (개, 고양이, 야생동물 각 5000 정도) github.com/clovaai/stargan-v2/blob/master/README.md#animal-faces-hq-dataset-afhq clovaai/stargan-v2 StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2020) - clovaai/stargan-v2 github.com 위 사이트에서 데이터 셋을 다운로드한다. stylegan2-ada를 학습하기 위해선, tf-records 형태로 데이터 셋을 변환해줘야 한다. github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2-ada NVlabs/stylegan2-ada StyleGAN2 with adaptive di..
