TIN? Triangular Irregular Network
DSM? Digital Surface Model
보통 지형 모델을 2.5D TIN으로 만든 후 이를 DSM으로 만든다. 이 작업을 구현했는데 Terratin(지형)으로 바로하기엔 고난이도라 간단한 구로 먼저 해보았다.
In [1]:
from pyhull.convex_hull import ConvexHull
from pyhull.delaunay import DelaunayTri
from Delaunator.Delaunator import Delaunator
from time import time
import pyvista
In [2]:
import parmap
import numpy as np
create grid¶
In [212]:
mesh_sphere = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_sphere(radius=5)
In [213]:
In [214]:
bbox = mesh_sphere.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()
In [215]:
RB = bbox.max_bound; LT = bbox.min_bound
In [216]:
RB[1] - LT[0]
In [217]:
import math
pixellength = 0.5
width = RB[0] - LT[0]
height = RB[1] - LT[1]
x = np.linspace(LT[0], RB[0], math.ceil(width/pixellength))
y = np.linspace(LT[1], RB[1], math.ceil(height/pixellength))
In [218]:
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
In [220]:
xyz = np.concatenate([xx[:,:, np.newaxis], yy[:,:, np.newaxis], np.zeros_like(xx)[:, :, np.newaxis]], axis=-1)
In [221]:
xyz2d = np.concatenate(xyz)
In [222]:
(400, 3)
point cloud and faces data¶
In [223]:
pcd_sphere = np.asarray(mesh_sphere.vertices)
In [224]:
face_sphere = np.asarray(mesh_sphere.triangles)
projected terratin on z = 0¶
In [225]:
tmesh = trimesh.Trimesh(pcd_sphere, face_sphere)
In [226]:
tmesh_projectioned = trimesh.Trimesh(np.concatenate([pcd_sphere[:, :2], np.zeros_like(pcd_sphere[:, :1])], axis=1), face_sphere)
In [227]:
tmesh_query = trimesh.proximity.ProximityQuery(tmesh_projectioned)
find points on the triangle¶
In [229]:
candidates = tmesh_query.on_surface(np.array(xyz2d, dtype=np.float32))
if signed distance < 0 -> out of the mesh, write 0¶
In [231]:
drawed_region = tmesh_query.signed_distance(xyz2d) >= 0
In [232]:
drawed_faces = candidates[-1][drawed_region]
intersect_pts = candidates[0][drawed_region]
find normal_Vector of original mesh¶
In [233]:
normals = tmesh.face_normals[candidates[2]]
normal_candidates = normals[drawed_region]
# [candidates[2]]
(276, 3)
find pt on the original mesh plane¶
In [234]:
plane_origin = tmesh.triangles_center[candidates[2]][drawed_region]
In [235]:
(276, 3)
find endpoints of lines¶
In [236]:
temp = xyz2d[drawed_region]
temp[:, 2] = 1
In [237]:
endpoints = np.concatenate([xyz2d[drawed_region][np.newaxis, :, :], temp[np.newaxis, :, :]])
find z coordinates of which intersection point lies onn the plane (intersetion btw line and plane)¶
In [238]:
intersections = []
for i in range(len(plane_origin)):
it = trimesh.intersections.plane_lines(plane_origin[i], normal_candidates[i], endpoints[:, i:i+1, :], line_segments=False)
In [239]:
intersections_pts = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x:x[0][0], intersections)))
draw DSM¶
In [256]:
from copy import deepcopy
In [257]:
dsm = deepcopy(xyz2d)
In [258]:
temp2 = dsm[drawed_region]
In [259]:
temp2[:, 2] = intersections_pts[:, 2]
In [260]:
dsm[drawed_region] = temp2
replace empty zone to 0 pixel¶
In [261]:
empty_zone= dsm[~drawed_region]
empty_zone[:, 2] = 0
In [262]:
dsm[~drawed_region] = empty_zone
dsm reshape to w,h,3 for image processing¶
In [263]:
dsm = dsm.reshape(xyz.shape)
other z pixel value smaller than 0 makes 0 pixel¶
In [264]:
mask = dsm[:, :, 2] < 0
In [265]:
temp = dsm[mask]
temp[:, 2] = np.abs(temp[:, 2])
dsm[mask] = temp
In [266]:
dsm_last = dsm[:, :, 2][:, :, np.newaxis]
In [267]:
import cv2
In [268]:
color_img = cv2.normalize(dsm_last, None, alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
print(color_img.shape, color_img.dtype)
# convert to 3 channel
color_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
print(color_img.shape, color_img.dtype)
(20, 20) uint8
(20, 20, 3) uint8
0 255
In [269]:
cv2.imwrite('color_img.png', color_img)
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